Isadore's Cookbook

Buckeye Cookery Book. I remember when my Mom brought this particular book home. Unwrapping it carefully, she held it in her hands as she looked upon it with absolute love and adoration. I could almost hear the celestial voices singing in the background...yes, it was one of those kinds of moments. When it came to collecting and reading cook books in particular my Mom had a "kid-in-a-candy-store" glee about her. She told me once, when she was very young, that someone asked her which of her teeth was the sweet one. She thought about it, then opened her mouth wide and pointing said 'all of them'. It was much the same with her cookbooks when someone asked which one was her favorite. The ones though with the splattered and liquid dimpled pages, the ones with the handwritten notations and recipes in the margins, with cutouts from newspapers glued on the inside covers, the old ones, those were the ones that made her heart pitter-pat....