Finding Balance

Ultimately I believe that we continue to experience certain lessons in life, over and over again, until we become mindful of the patterns that we actually have a big hand in creating. It's easy to fall into the trap of being a victim and of the blame game; conditions, other people, the planets, etc.. Whatever the circumstances the responsibility ultimately is our own. Life is uncertain. Something may work today and not tomorrow. People can be mean, rude, unfair, cruel and demanding. Things may not go the way you want them to; your current path may suddenly take an unexpected detour and send you spiraling in another direction; or someone you love may treat you unfairly or callously or even fall completely from your life. Things change. Period. And, what do we do? We react. We complain, whine, cry, rant and rave about the unfairness of it all. We hide, escape, criticize, and punish others and ourselves, and the list goes on. ...