
Pathway 28, The Sacred Sixth Sense. I am continuing on my journey through Neil Douglas- Klotzs book, “The Sufi Book of Life- 99 Pathways to the Heart,” by exploring each spiritual passage through art and in particular, collage. Exploring spiritual concepts through the expression of art has brought a new depth of understanding for me personally because I am someone who craves real depth and I relate especially to symbols and their meanings. Collage I find is the perfect medium for this. I find as I get older or perhaps rather as I become more at home in my own skin I do not want to be chained to labels. By compartmentalizing ourselves into groups we stop our growth or at least stunt it because by excepting that marker you are saying I’ve found my spot and I’m not budging. One can argue that they are happy in that imagined, comfortable place but the universe is in constant motion between stages of birth, living and dying. Nothing stays...