Artist Date

Twenty-five plus years ago I read Julia Cameron’s book “ The Artist’s Way-A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity” and to this day I practice her main tenets; morning pages, artist dates and walking. Mind you at different times some have gone by the way side temporarily or been adapted differently like morning pages became “whenever I can write the pages” pages, or for a time they were not handwritten but rather typed into a file on my computer. I’m never separated from them for long. They have become a ritual that feeds me. I was reminded of the importance of “artist dates” this past Sunday when I attended an Art and Music festival in Hamilton, Ohio at Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park. Strolling through tents looking at art under warm, sunny skies and trees changing into their colorful autumn wardrobe while enjoying classical music is near perfect an artist date as one can get! Especially since the pandemic has sent most of us to our rooms to wai...