Dancing With Flexibility

Considering the current upheaval on so many levels of our society this is an aptly themed discussion on having “Flexible Strength" which couldn't be more timely in my estimation. Some years back now I was inspired to explore each of the 99 Pathways in the “Sufi Book of Life”, a book written by Neil Douglas-Klotz, through art and the medium of collage. I had been using the book as part of my daily spiritual practice and thought that exploring it through the expression of art would bring me a deeper experience and understanding. And it has! With this post I have now completed my 33rd pathway, I am one third of the way through. The synchronistic manner in which each creative process enfolds, sometimes over the course of days or even weeks; of images that make themselves seen, of how the collage 'becomes' in its own time, never fails to amaze me. It can't be rushed. And the creating of the collage is both separate yet connected with the writing of thi...