Opening to True Understanding
Well, if it's one thing I have learned it is that life is always in a state of change. Just when you think you are going in one direction life decides a detour is in order. The last time I posted about my continuing art journey through "The Sufi Book of Life- 99 Pathways to the Heart" by Neil Douglas-Klotz, I was making a major move and life change. It didn't work out. I moved again, back from whence I came and that's okay. I am happy!
Someone said to me that perhaps I had made an error in judgment, but no I don't believe that it was a mistake. Sometimes we just have to try anyway. I believe these detours reveal something that we needed to see, feel or experience. Funny thing was I was never so relieved in all my life to leave a place. In fact I am proud of my Self for not staying. I have a tendency to stay and try to make something work when I know full well it is not healthy or right for me. I am also loathe to disappoint but I have also learned that my feelings, my convictions also matter. Honesty and integrity, truth, In a world where lies and deceit are rampant, is hard to find and something I can personally not overlook. If you talk the talk, you'd better walk the walk.
That's why this next pathway, 19 Understanding Names and Forms, Al-alim, resonates with me. It asks; How well do you know Yourself? This journey of life is about discovering our true selves. Every time we are faced with a situation that makes us uncomfortable, that is a sign to go deeper. Embrace the anger, fear, trepidation, what have you, because in that moment there is an opportunity to peel back yet another layer of illusion, of societal conditioning, or a limiting story line that we have imprisoned ourselves within.
I struggle between wanting to dive fully in, opening myself to all of what life has to teach me and the opposite frankly... living in a cave on top of a mountain away from everything and everyone. I do tend towards the extreme, all or nothing, but that is not realistic. So, how do we find and maintain balance?
Understanding Names and Forms deals with the concept of blindly following the "face" of God at the expense of your own knowing. Again it's about integrity. We see this acted out today within fundamentalist religions from all faiths. People become so attached to the trap of "their way or no way" that they close themselves off to any other possibility. Every religion speaks of the importance of knowing oneself. If we seek understanding and learn to follow our own inner knowing then we open ourselves to trusting in our own journey. We allow the magic to unfold. We allow our lives and our selves to continue growing and becoming.
In my collage for this pathway I immediately knew that I wanted to cover the background in bright yellow tissue paper. I am a fairly positive, upbeat person and yellow is the color of communication and inspiration. However, on the opposite end of the spectrum it is also the color of being overly critical of self and needing everything to be clarified! Yes, I am overly critical with my Self and at times want everything to be explained. Spiritually speaking that is a Western way of thinking, that everything need be dissected and analyzed to death. What is wrong with just accepting something for what it is? Allow magic and awe into your life, it is infinitely more joyful!
In my collage A woman opens a door within a series of blocks with many doors of different colors and images. It speaks to me of this search for knowing self and of endless possibilities. A face peaks out from a pillar. Do we ever know ourselves completely? Can I accept all of me, the light and the dark? If we don't peer into the shadows how can we ever hope to grow and become?
A hand extended offers a gift. It is truly a gift to know and understand your self.
A part of my Self gazes into the future landscape and symbolizes my love of nature, of being a part of my environment.
Another hand holding up a glass with a focused image of a path dials in the need of seeing clearly and with optimism...seeing the beauty of life and recognizing that there are endless possibilities. A butterfly figure represents the transformation that can occur when the heart and mind are in balance and agreement.
There is also a small image I cut from a copy of a painting called 'Form and Void, by Elizabeth Malaska. It "allegorizes the disparity between the mortal reality of the female form because it is an illusion." Perfection does not exist. Women especially look and find fault with their own bodies. I too struggle with body image. I wish to be comfortable within my own skin, to own all of me and love all of me.
When I know my true Self and work to clear that which does not belong to me, I am actually making more room within for Unity to live and know itself through me. This path asks you to "open to truth", open to a "larger view of yourself". Realize that the doors you must open will reveal both pain and joy but once faced they will surely lead you to a better understanding of yourself and your lifes purpose.
I struggle between wanting to dive fully in, opening myself to all of what life has to teach me and the opposite frankly... living in a cave on top of a mountain away from everything and everyone. I do tend towards the extreme, all or nothing, but that is not realistic. So, how do we find and maintain balance?
Understanding Names and Forms deals with the concept of blindly following the "face" of God at the expense of your own knowing. Again it's about integrity. We see this acted out today within fundamentalist religions from all faiths. People become so attached to the trap of "their way or no way" that they close themselves off to any other possibility. Every religion speaks of the importance of knowing oneself. If we seek understanding and learn to follow our own inner knowing then we open ourselves to trusting in our own journey. We allow the magic to unfold. We allow our lives and our selves to continue growing and becoming.
In my collage for this pathway I immediately knew that I wanted to cover the background in bright yellow tissue paper. I am a fairly positive, upbeat person and yellow is the color of communication and inspiration. However, on the opposite end of the spectrum it is also the color of being overly critical of self and needing everything to be clarified! Yes, I am overly critical with my Self and at times want everything to be explained. Spiritually speaking that is a Western way of thinking, that everything need be dissected and analyzed to death. What is wrong with just accepting something for what it is? Allow magic and awe into your life, it is infinitely more joyful!
In my collage A woman opens a door within a series of blocks with many doors of different colors and images. It speaks to me of this search for knowing self and of endless possibilities. A face peaks out from a pillar. Do we ever know ourselves completely? Can I accept all of me, the light and the dark? If we don't peer into the shadows how can we ever hope to grow and become?
A hand extended offers a gift. It is truly a gift to know and understand your self.
A part of my Self gazes into the future landscape and symbolizes my love of nature, of being a part of my environment.
Another hand holding up a glass with a focused image of a path dials in the need of seeing clearly and with optimism...seeing the beauty of life and recognizing that there are endless possibilities. A butterfly figure represents the transformation that can occur when the heart and mind are in balance and agreement.
There is also a small image I cut from a copy of a painting called 'Form and Void, by Elizabeth Malaska. It "allegorizes the disparity between the mortal reality of the female form because it is an illusion." Perfection does not exist. Women especially look and find fault with their own bodies. I too struggle with body image. I wish to be comfortable within my own skin, to own all of me and love all of me.
When I know my true Self and work to clear that which does not belong to me, I am actually making more room within for Unity to live and know itself through me. This path asks you to "open to truth", open to a "larger view of yourself". Realize that the doors you must open will reveal both pain and joy but once faced they will surely lead you to a better understanding of yourself and your lifes purpose.