A Call to a New Way of Being

“Be empty of what you think you know.” Rumi Pathway 30, Subtle Mystery. In order for anything of value to come into Being it must be nurtured, nourished, paid attention to and held. This is a process that begins with a seed being planted. It is held in the dark embrace of its container. If it is nourished by what we feed it, soothed and bathed in the healing waters of life, nurtured by the warmth of our hearts and cultivated by our intent it will grow. And I’ll add, if we can look upon this process with eyes and hearts full of wonder and awe then it is not just the life of the seed that is enriched but truly our own lives as well. This holds true for anything we wish to create; art, a garden, our spiritual path, healthy and loving relationships to each other and the Earth, and to our selves. It is not enough to just drop the seed and hope for the best. Tending to life takes work, dedication, mindfulness and res...