A Call to a New Way of Being
“Be empty of what you think you know.” Rumi
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Pathway 30, Subtle Mystery. |
This holds true for anything we wish to create; art, a garden, our spiritual path, healthy and loving relationships to each other and the Earth, and to our selves. It is not enough to just drop the seed and hope for the best. Tending to life takes work, dedication, mindfulness and respect. Respect for the process and for what you are growing. Mindfulness is being aware of what you are doing at all times and being aware of everything around you. It is also being mindful of the object of your attention. A seed can suffer from being overwatered and over fed just as easily as it can suffer from neglect. In order for anything to grow healthily balance needs to be maintained.
As I focused my attention upon these next two pathways from “The Sufi Book of Life -99 Pathways to the Heart” by Neil Douglas-Klotz, and the process of creating the collages in furthering my exploration and understanding of them, I was aware of just how relevant they are in relation to what is going on in the world in this moment. Pathway 30 “Subtle Mystery” asks us to stand and look upon what is going on in our lives, to hold no judgment, to empty ourselves of what we think we know, to contemplate and then to open to that mystery. Can we look upon all that is being uncovered and brought to light and see the “living presence of the divine?” Instead of fear can we chose wonder? Can we chose to react with loving attention and healthy intention? Can we admit to having lived without mindfulness? Ignorance is not bliss because for someone it will mean pain, loss and hardship. Inattention eventually catches up with you. For instance, if you don’t pay attention to the sensor lights in your vehicle one day you will either run out of gas or your engine won’t start. Worst case scenario your lack of attention caused damage that requires costly repairs. And isn’t this inattention and indifference, on so many levels, from racism to environmental destruction, the direct result of years of neglect?
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Pathway 31, The Seed of Potential |
As always I create my collages after meditation with found images that called to me to be used. After it is complete I study the symbolism behind the images. In creating the collage for “Subtle Mystery” I knew it would start with a black background to stand for the “container”, darkness or that which we do not know yet, the mystery. The dramatic and large pink rose took center stage though the subtle outer “petals” are from the aurora borealis, the northern lights, a beautiful mystery. A woodland path leads you towards the center of the rose, a divine light sparkles within. You are drawn within to the unfolding of the mystery. The path beckons you to follow into the very heart of the rose, your Self, your divine center where the light is hidden. A pink rose is sacred to the divine presence. It represents the unfolding of spiritual wisdom, the sacredness of the soul, it’s scent is the sweetness of love. No matter what we learn about life there will always be mystery. Everything does not need to be explained. Leave room in your life for magic, empty your self of what you think you know. Instead fill your heart with the wonder and awe that surrounds you. And then be grateful. When we look at life this way we see the beauty, the light hidden within every living thing. Allow nature to be your doorway into a new way of seeing and healing.
While I was creating this collage the word rosary popped into my head. I know what it is but not being Catholic I didn’t know how it came to be called a rosary. A rosary is a crown of roses, “a bouquet of spiritual prayers.” A tool to connect our hearts with the divine Mother aspect. What a beautiful symbol. Multiple religions use beads as a way to focus upon prayers or mantras to bring peace and love into ones heart, to still the mind of the chatter. Though I did not include an image of a rosary in the collage I consider this rose the first bead or prayer of gratitude in my own bouquet.
Further meditation upon the collage brought to mind Jung’s thoughts on the hidden soul of things, the mystery held within. Each of us has a small hidden doorway that leads inward but the way is barred by our own prejudices and mistaken assumptions that we as individuals need to work with in order to pass through and begin the healing. And it’s ALL about the healing! In order to “be the change we want to see in this world” we first have to heal ourselves.
Starting on the 31st pathway “The Seed of Potential,” I painted the background green with a pattern to look like grasses. Green for vitality, freshness, and it’s healing powers. I found a silhouette of a woman’s profile that was filled with a cityscape; buildings and roads devoid of color and to me this represents our society and the barriers, narrow scopes and limited thoughts that keep us from fully exploring what brings us true joy. Beneath this profile is a blank page that I
journaled my “seed thoughts” upon. Then I decided to cut out more profiles representing my many layers. All are things that I have given a lot of attention to personally throughout my life, things that hold special meaning to me. One layer is dedicated to books, words and art. Another holds natural objects like feathers, seeds, nests and pods and finally the last flowers., Ranunculus. Flowers have always been my bliss but as a symbol they represent joy, new beginnings and renewal, all aspects that I have embraced throughout my life. Each of us has many layers and there are layers we haven’t even discovered yet. The last images that wished to be included in this collage were the salvia and the hummingbird. Salvia surrounds my profiles in its healing and calming attributes and hummingbird, considered a healer and a bringer of joy hovers above all. Overall it is what we come to know and understand about ourselves that sets us free, that releases us from our limiting thoughts.
These two pathways together ask us to acknowledge and embrace mystery in our lives and then to go deeper still and recognize that within yourself you hold a seed that is uniquely you. Nourish it. Feed it. Talk to it. Love it. Allow it to grow. “What is waiting to be born in your heart?”