In The Beginning
A dear friend recently asked if I would be open to exploring the tarot through the medium of collage and of course I said Yes! Art, and collage in particular, invites a conversation, one that speaks to us through symbolism and archetypal voices. The process and expression ultimately leads to a deeper understanding of ourselves. Our unconscious is given voice, our soul speaks to us, and if we are willing and open we can reach a new understanding through the message being offered. Carl Jung had this to say about symbols;
“Because there are innumerable things beyond the range of human understanding, we constantly use symbolic terms to represent concepts that we cannot define or fully comprehend. This is one reason why all religions employ symbolic language or images. But this conscious use of symbols is only one aspect of a psychological fact of great importance: Man also produces symbols unconsciously and spontaneously, in the form of dreams.” From Man & His Symbols.
So like the collages I have been creating for each Sufi Book of Life-99 Pathways of the Heart project (check out other posts on this blog for that journey), I spend time contemplating each tarot card and then pull images that speak to me. I am using The Gilded Tarot, one of my favorite decks, as a starting off point. I take a photo copy of the card, cut out a piece of the image and include it in my collage. On the back side are words, thoughts, added images. I have quite a few decks of tarot cards but this one in particular has always been my go to. The book is by Barbara Moore and is through Llewellyn Worldwide, 2004. The incredible artwork is by Ciro Marchetti.
If you are not familiar with tarot it is a deck of 78 cards used in divination practice. Each card represents a point of your journey. Each card offers insight into your physical experience and into your spiritual path. The tarot is broken into sections; the major arcana which includes 22 cards which is also referred to as The Fool's Journey, "a journey of self-development and spiritual growth"; next is the minor arcana. The word arcana means "secrets." These 56 cards are broken into 4 suits like playing cards- Wands which equal clubs, Cups which equal hearts, Swords which equal spades and Pentacles which equal diamonds. Each suit deals with a particular element and the aspects of our lives that each represents. Wands represent fire or air and deal with inspiration, career, and any projects we may be working on. Cups, water element, deal with our emotions, relationships and creativity. Swords, these represent challenges and how we think. Pentacles, representing the earth element, deals with the physical world, money and our personal resources. The minor arcana, in each suit, includes the ace through ten and has four additional court cards; the page, the Knight, Queen and King. Each numbered card relates to an area of life while the court cards bring in the people that share our lives, as well as ourselves referred to as the querent, or an aspect of our self. As I make my way through the deck I will offer further insight into each card and its possible meanings.
While I'll not be using the tarot in its usual way which is to ask questions, divine, or seek guidance, I will be meditating upon each card and sharing the collages and insights. A great deal of tarot reading is intuition based, one can use the meanings in the book as a guide but ultimately it is what the individual interprets the message to be personally. So let the journey begin...
0-The Fool, that first all important step, the beginning of the journey, that moment when everything is possible, we are enthusiastic and perhaps impatient to get underway. It's the proverbial "taking a leap of faith" moment. Pick a path. Be enthusiastic. Be open to the new. Be courageous. Be prepared. Be mindful. Take a risk but don't be fool hardy, don't knowingly put yourself in harms way.
The images wishing to be used came to me fairly fast and furiously, I was just ripping and tearing my way through magazines and it was fun. I felt enthusiastic and gleeful to be starting this new art journey, just as I would be setting off on a physical journey. The collage came together quickly as well. The figures in my piece are off kilter, leaning in and leaning over, a little fool hearty perhaps but to my mind playful. The motorcycle and side car represents an unconventional mode of making one's way on the road of life. Personally I totally get that, I've never been conventional or a conformist. The road leading into an unknown destination disappears into the mountains which are cloaked in clouds but the sun is shining high above. The open road appears to drive straight into the clouds and mountain peaks. The 'Fool' balances upon one toe atop the helmeted head of the driver. The Fool is juggling the signs of the zodiac. The artist of the 'fool' image said that it represents all of our possible personality traits and the not knowing of what we will end up with... but who cares he lives in the moment! This speaks to me of our ability to reinvent ourselves. Many of us do so so many times in our lives.
Looking at the rock formation in the foreground it looks like a face, quite unintentionally, which appears rather amused. A hiker is leaning far over the edge at the top. Perhaps he is considering a leap of faith and is 'looking before he leaps'. There is always a reminder with the 'fool' card that one needs to be wary of reckless behavior. Its good to task risks but don't be careless and/or foolhardy.
Remember to live life playfully, have fun, climb those mountains and see what you can see. Taking a risk can be the first step to all sorts of new discoveries and possibilities, and new adventures. And right now I just happen to be setting off on a new be announced in the near future.
On the back of the collage I included words that are intentional for this card like inspiration and discovery. On my own path I have 'heard the call' and 'let the path lead me'. The sand dollar is a symbol of renewal, the promise of a new day, a new start, A postcard hints at future destinations. The journey begins...
A mysterious man peers at you from the next card, the 1- Magician, he is intense and focused. He is a master of his craft, fully aware of his responsibilities and of just how powerful his will is. He understands the laws of the Universe, of cause and effect. Using the elements and his intent he can makes thing happen. This a card that tells you that you can accomplish anything if you focus your attention and put in the work.
The images I used to express the intense energy of the Magician in my own life begins with fire in the center, which looks rather like a key hole. For me it represents the fire of inspiration which unlocks my creativity. As 'hearth' is my word for the year, it takes on a special meaning as a keeper of the flame.
In my writing I am always striving to improve my skills. Writing is a discipline. I first have to show up and sometimes that is the hardest step of all. Frequently when I write I feel like words appear like magic. I seem to wake up and when I reread the words that came out of me I wonder where they came from. Elizabeth Gilbert writes about this phenomenon in her book "Big Magic", and how she believes that story ideas come to a writer, whispering in their ear, asking them to bring them to life, and then the download begins. Will you honor the gift?
Finally the compass symbolizes following ones path. As long as you have a compass you have a certain degree of safety, it grounds us to the earth which is needed when we work with Magicians magic.
On the reverse side I used an art paper with words as the background to further honor writing as craft. A bell tolls communicating a message that asks you to pay attention, focus and dedicate yourself to your craft. Bells have long been symbols of communication, peace, the arrival of spirit, or the beginning or ending of a cycle.
I felt led to include a sigil, a magical symbol, to seal the magicians wisdom.
2- The High Priestess, floats above our subconscious, represented by water, above a bed of sea kelp. Sea kelp, come to find out, is a symbol of the deeper aspects of our Self, that which lies below the surface. She is the unknown, the intuitive, introspective, self reflective, and her message at times may contradict reason.
The High Priestess is usually depicted between the two pillars of Solomon's Temple, Jachin the Pillar of Establishment on the right and Boaz on the left the Pillar of Strength...why? The original pillars represented opposing forces and were cast in brass or bronze representing the Sun, a masculine aspect. Chapiters, the uppermost parts of the columns, were decorated with carvings of pomegranates and lilies, both of which are symbols of fertility and power. Pomegranates for death. Lilies rebirth. And on top of these were large bowls one of which held water and the other fire. The pillar of establishment represents Divine Man, while strength the Earthly Man. Solomon's temple was the resting place of God, "a restored Eden". The pillars are representative of a gateway. All of this strikes me as yet another example of the domination of the patriarchy over the Feminine. There is no true balance in a temple that favors only one side.
So in my collage the High Priestess floats between two natural pillars of tufa stone, tufa being a variety of limestone, which holds healing and purifying properties. Limestone is grounding. Atop these earthly columns are white lilies representing a rejuvenation of the Divine Feminine, the Mother aspect. The landscape beyond-the sky, the mountains, the water, inspire awe and respect. A balance must be reached in order for their to be a truly "restored Eden", an Eden of the spiritual body in bliss, a balance between the Sacred Masculine and the Divine Feminine.
Ultimately there are different ways of knowing. Only you can make the choice between following reason, your intellect or your intuition. She holds the mystery, she inspires. She will lead you into your depths. The answers to all of your questions are within. You must listen and then take action. When you honor Her you honor your Self.
On the reverse sea kelp insinuates itself around the Universe, the zodiac spiraling in the night sky as stars. Knowing, Introspection. Inspiration. Self-Reflection. All points that are so important to our journey of "Knowing Yourself". I encourage you to explore your world, your Self ever more deeply in these times of great change. Blessings.