Journey through the Major Arcana

     The Major Arcana of the tarot are those cards that represent the major themes in our lives, those threads that seem to weave in and out, those life lessons that seem to repeat themselves until we pay attention and make changes to transform them. They represent the structures we build the foundations of our consciousness upon. There are 22 major arcana cards starting with 0- The Fool, the journey begins and ending with the 21st card- The World, completion. 

     A friend invited me to explore tarot through the medium of art collage with her. So, we have embarked on this deep dive into the cards together. We each create a collage and share the images and sometimes the meanings with each other. It has proven to be a significant practice, one that has brought a renewed sense of meaning and connectedness to the cards. It's fascinating to see the images take shape, the messages uncovered, the Creative at work. In this post I will share the collages I have created for The Empress, The Emperor and The Hierophant. I used The Gilded Tarot, one of my favorite decks, as my guide on this journey and added pieces of the card photocopied into each collage. 

     The Empress

There is a seductiveness about the Empress, an underlying passion. The necklace lies open to reveal the beauty of creation beneath the surface. Infinite possibilities, creativity, what is moving you to create? What are you passionate about it whispers. The pear is a feminine fruit that represents fertility and Divine sustenance. The Empress is a mother archetype, she nurtures. The figs, again are symbols of the Feminine and the womb, a vessel, and speaks to the seeds of inspiration we hold inside and nurture into manifestation. But this is also an "earthy" card, it is telling us to experience life fully with our bodies and our senses. Eat a juicy pear mindfully, fully in the moment, and celebrate it as the gift that it truly is...this is living with passion. What in your life brings you this same experience? What creative projects are you nurturing within?  Give them time, nourishment and attention. 

     The Emperor 

Whereas the Empress is more concerned with what we are nurturing within, the Emperor is more practical and deals with our outward physical actions. Like this athlete he is driven by his passion to succeed. An athlete must prepare himself physically in order to achieve his goals so he creates a plan of action. An athlete must create a balanced method of exercise, diet and rest, creating an environment that will help him to both succeed and strengthen his body for the physical challenges to come. What kind of environment have you created in your day to day life? Does it support your dreams and aspirations?  Or does it put obstacles in your way? Life takes effort so do whatever it takes to create an environment that supports you fully.

The Hierophant 

     To be honest, in the beginning I struggled with this tarot card just as I struggle (and always have) with the concept of anything remotely connected to the patriarchy and organized religion. In preparing for collage I start with an intention and then I start combing magazines for images and start tearing. These images were what stood out for me. Wisdom and knowledge exist within our universe and the Hierophant represents how we relate to that wisdom physically and spiritually and how we share that understanding. We are asked to acknowledge and respect these teachings and to ultimately create something of beauty and usefulness with it in our own lives. 
     It is no surprise that I came away with an image of a garden which to me is a representation of "All that Is." It is also a symbol of what a person may create that encompasses both beauty and the spiritual. The Hierophant does suggest that we should not blindly follow traditions/religions. What is truth to you? What is in your heart? Nature, the Divine Feminine, is in my heart and encompasses my personal beliefs system...respect for the Earth and all sentient beings. I have spent a lifetime questioning  authority and have come to the conclusion that 'My' authority is the only one that I can follow. If I discover a truth within another tradition and it resonates within me, then I will accept it. But, this is a two way street, we must allow and respect each others right to our own beliefs. Here in lies my problem with the patriarchy- the idea that all must conform and strictly adhere to a narrow minded system that does not embrace the belief that all beings are truly equal and free to live. 
     I can see beauty in all religions, the common belief within most is "Love". And that should be "love...period."  Religion that condemns or puts conditions on "love" is not based on love.  Love is all encompassing, it may not be confined. True love is freeing but with strings attached it is confining and restrictive, thus not love but rather control.  Follow your heart in all things.    


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