Art Journey through the Tarot Continued...

I woke this morning to grey skies heavy with rain and a headache between my eyes. So I eased into my day; sipping hot chamomile tea, holding a warmed lavender pillow to my forehead, and going slow. Feeling the headache eventually lifting I decided to sit down and right a blog post on the latest series of collages I've done continuing the deep dive into the Tarot through art that I am exploring with a friend. So, I sat down and composed a blog. Not this one. I hit something wrong and completely erased the first one after two hours of writing! Seriously...really? I always wonder when that happens if it was just an accident or if...meant to be. So let's try again. This time I explored VI, The Lovers, VII, The Chariot, and VIII, Strength. All deal with making choices, with courage and with personal power...movement on different levels. I am using the Gilded Tarot as my guide, my oldest and first deck. So let's dive in. The Lovers, a passionate couple ...