Art Journey through the Tarot Continued...
The Lovers, a passionate couple embrace and are lifted upwards representing a commitment to a union with a higher spiritual aim. I find that I look at this card though and its not so much about a relationship with another but rather with oneself. I find it intriguing that the original artwork for this card was actually a man choosing between two women. He may have had a romantic vision of a perfect wife and an idealized dream of the perfect marriage but what is the reality that stands before him now and how does he make a balanced and good choice? Could it not be rather that he stands with the vision of two different sides of himself, one that he sees with his heart and the other his mind? To "Know Thy Self" fully and make choices based on that knowing is living with true authenticity. And also could we look at it as the relationship we each have within of the Sacred Masculine and the Divine Feminine and coming into balance with those energies? All points to ponder...
The Chariot, I had fun with this card and its images. A regal woman rides side saddle on a motorcycle rather precariously. She is not concerned with where she is going or what is in front of her. She may be riding into trouble but she is not concerned in the least. She represents achievement but not understanding. The woman crowned in purple Orchids also looks away but she has an air of dignity about her. She knows she is admired. She recognizes her own strength and celebrates her accomplishments. She knows that she can achieve anything she sets her mind to. In the center a woman drives a horseless chariot drawn by sphinxes. There is movement here even though she has no reins. It shows us that we must keep going, that there is always something new to learn and more to experience. Life is about movement, don't come to a complete stop. Use your will power and control to steer your way through the chaos. Learn to trust yourself and your journey.
I must admit I LOVE the images I "found" for the card Strength! They came fast and furiously. My dilemma was how to squeeze them all in. The stance of the Woman, Her back straight and strong, Her thick braid, Her hardware, the weight of Her earrings all made me believe She is a warrioress with Purpose. The lion represents her animal instincts that she holds in reserve; strength, courage, and power. She can call on them whenever she needs them. The bejeweled silver chain neither binds her nor weighs her down. She adorns herself with them. She has learned to walk in her power and with her gifts and strengths. She neither denies her Power nor is controlled by her strengths, she has learned to live and work with them. She stands confident and Self-Aware.
This journey into the tarot is rich and delicious and if you are interested in other tarot collages please see previous posts starting with the The Fool. And I encourage you to dive into the conversation and collage along. I usually start with an intention, pull the card and then start searching for images in magazines that "ask" to be used. You will know, they call out, catch your eye and frequently if you have passed them by they will call on you until you pay attention. Listen. Cut and paste and follow your instincts. Enjoy the journey...