And the journey continues into exploring the tarot through the medium of collage. In this post I will share the Major Arcana cards Hermit IX, Wheel of Fortune X, and Justice XI. A friend and I are creating our way through the tarot artistically and it has been a rich field of discovery. After meditating upon the card I move into finding images that speak to me, I may not understand why they call to be used but I trust the process. Then the creating takes place and finally looking closer to see what has been revealed in the images used. It's always fascinating. I am using The Gilded Tarot as my foundation, my oldest and fondest deck, truth be told.
The Hermit carrying his staff and lantern leads the way. A red bridge extends towards the mountains in the distance and the sunlight illuminates the top of its peak. There are flowers growing on either side of the bridge. A woman sits upon a rock contemplating the path ahead while strangely enough a very large peacock peers over the bridge looking like some sort of Loch Ness monster risen from the deep gorge below. Like I said, I use the images that called to be used!
The Hermit carries a lit lantern which represents his mind and his staff the power of his will. The illuminated mountain in the distance also represents the illuminated mind. The bridge seemingly floats across an expanse, the color red represents passion. What do you believe? Who are you? This card being is about being alone with your thoughts., the need to ponder these questions and go within. To me this means that you must trust that your passions will bring you home to yourself, its all about the trust.
The woman sitting upon the rock is contemplating her next move. She is wearing hiking boots, she is prepared but she is not rushing towards the bridge. She must spend time in introspection getting to know herself and her beliefs before she sets off. Is she ready to trust? Does she have the tool box? These questions I have asked myself in the past 6 months starting a new business but it is my passion, my bliss and to not venture forth would not have been an option. You must trust. It reminds me of the quote, "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
The peacock has shown up for me before in collages...Peacocks represent guidance and watchfulness, knowledge and strength of purpose. There is a holiness that this regal birds presence holds. He has his eyes on the way forward. When you are ready and have harnessed your courage he will be looking over you.

A hand spins the the Wheel of Fortune...where will it land? Life spirals, is cyclical. It encompasses the stars and Moon and all of nature. A wheel of sorts is in the center of my collage and the elements surround it; a canyon representing the Earth; clouds for Air; a red walled adobe house in the desert for Fire; and a fisherman on the beach for Water. Within the Wheel are more personal representatives of the elements; a hand holding herbs-the physical body; a fire burning within a vessel, our passion; an eye representing the mind, our perception/knowledge; and a sailing ship, our emotions and the spiritual journey that we are on. On either side of the wheel...bombs dropping and marquees on a city street represent the distractions of Life, the pain, the noise, those things that throw us off center. But in the center is a woman with her chakras illuminated, her arms extended. We have the ability to control our energies, nurture and nourish them. And finally a conch shell which is a symbol of courage, optimism, and will power. It emits psychological vibrations. It is sacred. Hold it up to your ear and listen to the ocean like you did as a child. Change is always afoot, learn to listen and adapt.
Justice is at the center of this collage and she holds a scale in her hands, the sun behind her represents you and you are standing in the mid center of your past and future. She is shown blindfolded because she can not help you or hurt you. You create your future by what you have done in the past. This card is about Karmic repercussions. Your actions create your future. This is a card about responsibility and making good choices.
The image that first made an impression upon me for this collage was the bottom one and actually it angered me deeply. It was part of an advertisement for some high-fashion house. It showed an expanse of carpet with the prostate body of a woman on the ground in white high heels. Is she a victim of a crime, has she fallen? It is an image that disturbed me to my core. The societal view of women as a victim and her vulnerability. It also speaks of servitude, perhaps she is a slave to fashion. But, white shoes can also be symbols of power so at the top I have a "power pump," it's all business. It's giving power back to the woman at the bottom.
So perhaps that is why I chose images of women athletes, they are symbols of power as well. They are warriors. They are passionate and driven, dedicated. Their physical choices today will impact their future abilities. You can't lie on the sofa and eat pizzas and chips all day and expect to perform well on the field tomorrow! Theirs is a special dedication; to their bodies, their minds, their emotional health and on some level spiritually I am sure. They must be strong on all levels to compete.
Behind the soccer player is a winding, upward turning road with a woman running uphill. She is changing the game, competing against her self. At times it can feel like everything we do as women is an uphill battle from equal pay to social justice and women's rights. We have the responsibility though of envisioning our future and being warrioresses for each other and the women who will come later. Justice is in our hands. Choose well.
Three cards that ask us to look within and contemplate before we take action. That those decisions and subsequent changes hold great responsibility. And finally that we can learn from our mistakes and envision a happier and more balanced future coming to live in right relationship.
Wishing you blessings of light and love...