Exploring Gratitude

It seems timely that on the day I suddenly felt the need to reconnect with a much beloved heart-project that the subject should be "Gratitude, Giving Back." Some years ago now I had an inspiration to explore "The Sufi Book of Life- 99 Pathways to the Heart" by Neil Douglas-Klotz, through the medium of collage. With this collage, Pathway 35, I take up the journey once again. It had become a spiritual practice and one, after much time devoted to other things like starting a new business over the past year, that I have greatly missed in my life. Considering that it is Mercury Retrograde, a time of review, revision and return, it is appropriate that I am now hearing the call to bring it back in. I think we all go through periods in our lives where our spiritual practices change. In fact I would say it's a good thing because practices can become habit somehow losing their initial meaning and place in our daily life. And going into this I knew it ...