Exploring Gratitude
It seems timely that on the day I suddenly felt the need to reconnect with a much beloved heart-project that the subject should be "Gratitude, Giving Back." Some years ago now I had an inspiration to explore "The Sufi Book of Life- 99 Pathways to the Heart" by Neil Douglas-Klotz, through the medium of collage. With this collage, Pathway 35, I take up the journey once again. It had become a spiritual practice and one, after much time devoted to other things like starting a new business over the past year, that I have greatly missed in my life. Considering that it is Mercury Retrograde, a time of review, revision and return, it is appropriate that I am now hearing the call to bring it back in.
I think we all go through periods in our lives where our spiritual practices change. In fact I would say it's a good thing because practices can become habit somehow losing their initial meaning and place in our daily life. And going into this I knew it was a monumental undertaking from the beginning and I wanted it to always feel fresh and flowing, not like something I had to do because I had committed myself to it, so I knew if it ever felt forced I'd step away for awhile. I know now that I feel refreshed to continue this art journey once again.
In the accompanying meditation for this pathway it directs one to take a midday break and imagine that your heart is a garden of exquisite beauty, it is the entrance into a "secret rose garden". Look for things to be thankful for; the people in your life, animals, the beauty, your community, and all the different parts of your Self. Thank them all and welcome them in to your garden, your heart space.
We all get caught up in our own concerns; our jobs, our problems and the problems of others, our endless to-do lists, and a multitude of our many perceived responsibilities. But what if we spent more time exploring gratitude in every moment? If we started saying "thank you" before having received anything. As the author writes, "this pathway is not a matter of business, of give and take, it is the sign of a heart that remembers Unity."
It is not enough to merely utter words of gratitude rather you must truly feel gratitude in your Being. Releasing the limiting hold we put on our own hearts we are then open to feeling true gratitude. He shares a Shabistari poem-
In the Secret Rose Garden,
Roses bloom that reveal
the mysteries of the human heart.
Lilies sing and the narcissus
sees everything perfectly.
To enter this garden,
see with your heart's eyes and
gaze gently on these blossoms.
All your doubts will fade away.
Don't look for mistakes;
The Roses may turn to thorns.
Ingratitude reveals ignorance,
and the friends of truth are truly thankful.
So what did I see to be grateful for when I went to create my collage...Life! A beautiful garden overflowing with abundant flowers, butterflies flitting through the blooms, the heart of Unity from which these flowers/blessings are pouring forth from and an all seeing eye, the spirit of the Divine Mother of Creation, of Source.
Every day that I am able to be surrounded by flowers and to be able to create beauty to share with others is a blessing. I am grateful for my business, Flora Sophia, the Wisdom of Flowers. I am grateful for the flowers, my gifts and abilities, for those who truly see and connect with what I create. I am grateful for continued creativity.
Every day that I am able to move my body and walk in Nature is a blessing. I am grateful for this body and the use of my limbs; for my eyes to see this beauty; for my ears to hear the birds singing; for my nose to smell the aromas of flowers on the breeze; for my hands that I may reach out and touch and feel the smoothness of a leaf, the roughness of bark on a tree, or feel cool water droplets on my fingertips; for my tongue that I may taste the sweetness of a strawberry or the bite of arugula. I am grateful for everything I will encounter and experience in the future.
Every day that I am able to spend with friends and family is a blessing and not one I take for granted. I am grateful for those people who I share my life with now, with those who share their Light with me and those that have since left this world but their light continues on. And I am grateful for all beings that I share my life with...namely my fluff muffins aka cats, kitty companions. I am grateful for their love, play, cuddles, and for their presence every day. And I am grateful for all those beings in the future who will enter my life.
And the list goes on...but how do I give back you might ask...simply by recognizing and acknowledging that for which you are grateful and thankful for. Let go and release, allow your gratitude to illuminate your path forward and welcome all who enter into your garden with open arms and an open heart. Know that source is shining its light through You and every Being you encounter. "Ash- Shakur- Thankfulness Changes things."